What we do
We run a wide variety of groups and activities for all ages throughout the week. Click each tab below for more information on the group or to get in touch and make an enquiry.

10.30am - 11.45am Morning Service
6pm - 7pm Reflective Communion Monthly on 1st Sunday Evening

We have kids and youth groups that run weekly during the service.

10am Short Matt Bowls
in the Church Hall

7pm - 8.30pm
Ladies Reading Group
Meets monthly in the Church Café/Foyer. See the calendar for future dates or get in touch for more details

10.30am - 2pm KOB
(Knocking On a Bit)
Meets bi-weekly in the Church Hall. See the calendar for future dates or get in touch for more details

6pm - 7:30pm
Brownies meet in term time
in the Church Hall

10.00am - 11.30am
Tots @ Ten
Meets weekly during term time, in the Church

10.30am12pm Silver Swans
Ballet for 50+s
Meets weekly in the Church Hall

Breastfeeding Support Group
Meets every week in the Church

2:30pm Tea and Memories
Meets on the second Thursday of each month in the Church

6.15pm - 7.45pm Girl's Brigade
Meets weekly during term time in the Church hall

9am-10:30 Slimming World​
Meets weekly in the Church Hall
See the calendar for future dates or get in touch for more details